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Uncovering ‘The Shortest of Moments’: Trio Win Nobel Prize in Physics with Flashes of Light!

The Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded for 2019 to three scientists who have pioneered a way to capture fleeting moments using rapid flashes of light. This trio of scientists, James Peebles, Michel Mayor, and Didier Queloz, have opened a whole new field of study by allowing researchers to observe the microcosm of the universe like never before. James Peebles, an emeritus professor at Princeton University, was honored for his theoretical contributions to cosmology. His work has helped to trace back the evolution of the universe. It has also provided insight into the mysterious dark matter and dark energy that fill the universe. His analysis of the light that is distributed through the night sky has enabled scientists to reconstruct the history of the universe. Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz, Swiss astrophysicists, were awarded the Nobel Prize for their discovery of the first known exoplanet in 1995. Exoplanets are planets around stars other than our own Sun. It was a landmark finding in the search for extraterrestrial life. This duo has since continued to find ways to use rapid flashes of light to identify exoplanets. The technique developed by these three scientists, known as high-contrast imaging, has enabled researchers to study the motion of stars, planet formation, and exoplanet atmospheres. It allows scientists to observe the tiniest stars in the universe and search for stellar companions. They can also examine the stars up close and observe the movement of their planets. Their technique of using rapid flashes of light to capture the shortest of moments has revolutionized the way we study the universe. The work of these three scientists has opened a world of possibilities for cosmologists and astronomers. By using high-contrast imaging, they can observe cosmic phenomena that was previously impossible to study. Their work has truly changed the way we understand the universe. It is truly an honor for these three scientists to be named as the recipients of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physics.