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“Jordan Sells His Pitch to GOP as Race for House Speaker Heats Up!

As the race to become the next Speaker of the House heats up, former House Speaker John Boehner’s protégé, Rep. Paul Ryan, appears to have the inside track. But that doesn’t mean the contest is over. Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, a favorite among conservatives, is emerging as a strong contender and is now making his case to the more moderate side of the Republican Party. Jordan, a group leader of the ultra-conservative Freedom Caucus, is a known firebrand who is beloved by many in the Tea Party movement. But despite his hard-right leanings, Jordan has made a point to reach out to more centrist Republicans, who hold the balance of power in the House. Jordan has been reaching out both publicly and privately to Republican moderates, some of whom were supportive of former Speaker Boehner’s more centrist agenda. Jordan has been seeking to convince them that, despite his conservative style, he would be able to build consensus within the GOP and ensure that the party stays unified. In addition to his outreach to the more moderate wing of the party, Jordan is also speaking out against the dysfunction that has plagued the House for years. Jordan has been an outspoken critic of the logjam that has stifled progress in Congress, and has promised to be a bridge builder if elected Speaker. While his stances on healthcare and taxes fall squarely in line with the conservative wing of the GOP, Jordan has repeatedly made clear that he will work with both sides of the aisle to get things done. He has even proposed a commission that could help bridge the divide between conservative and liberal ideologies in Congress. So far, moderate Republicans have been receptive to Jordan’s entreaties, though some are still leery of his fiery rhetoric. Whether or not he can ultimately succeed in unifying the sometimes fractured caucus remains to be seen. But for the moment, at least, it looks like Jordan is making a strong case to become the next Speaker of the House.