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“Six Republicans Rally for Expulsion of Embattled Rep. George Santos

Six GOP Lawmakers Push to Unequivocally Expel Scandal-Plagued Rep. George Santos The state of Pennsylvania is facing a great deal of turmoil and strife today. Earlier this week, six GOP lawmakers announced that they are banding together to call for the unequivocal expulsion of scandal-plagued Rep. George Santos. This unified stance comes after weeks of public outcry for the embattled legislator’s removal. Rep. George Santos is a three-term Republican state Representative from Philadelphia. He has been at the center of a number of scandals over the years, including the alleged misuse of public funds, and has been the subject of numerous ethics investigations. On Tuesday, the six GOP lawmakers announced that they are strongly backing a resolution to remove Rep. Santos from office. This resolution, if passed, would expel Santos from the state Legislature and require him to forfeit his salary and any other benefits associated with his position. In their statement, the lawmakers cited Santos’ “questionable behavior,” and said that they want to “restore trust and integrity” in the state House. The resolution is not expected to pass easily. It will need the support of two-thirds of the House in order to be approved. That means that at least 15 Republican lawmakers will need to back it, on top of the support they’ve already received from the chamber’s six Democratic members. Rep. Santos has not yet responded to the resolution, but his spokesperson has said that they believe he will be “vindicated” when all the facts come out. Whether or not the resolution gains enough support to expel Santos, it’s clear that the veteran lawmaker is in hot water. The scandal-plagued representative has been under public scrutiny for some time, and this latest effort to oust him is likely to further strain his already precarious position in Pennsylvania’s government.