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“Contradictory Laws Put Business Travelers in a Tough Spot: Abortion and LGBTQ Policies

The ongoing trend of abortion bans and anti-LGBTQ laws being passed in an increasing number of states is a growing concern for many businesses. Business travel to these locations could put their employees at risk, as well as their customers, and forbid their staff from advocating for their company’s values. The states of Alabama, Missouri, Georgia, and Ohio are just a few of the 17 states that have banned abortions or passed restrictive rules concerning LGBTQ rights. Other states are considering similar legislation, and many organizations are facing the tough decision between canceling travel plans or having to work with an unfamiliar business culture and legal system. These laws can potentially cause trouble for businesses in a variety of ways. For instance, the legal implications of traveling to a state with restrictive abortion laws could cause corporate liability issues. Companies also run the risk of losing key staff members due to their fear of harassment or discrimination based on gender identity or sexuality in those states. Additionally, companies may potentially face government fines for breaking laws or public shaming for not adhering to the values of their customers. However, businesses still have several options for responding to this situation. For starters, many companies are instituting policies that restrict business travel to states with restrictive abortion laws or anti-LGBTQ laws. These companies are also actively advocating for policy changes and supporting organizations that fight for the rights of women and the LGBTQ community. In addition, businesses are educating their employees on the potential implications of visiting certain states. Companies provide resources to their employees to help them understand the risks involved in traveling to these locations, as well as how to handle themselves if they are harassed or discriminated against. Companies are also offering support to their employees who choose to stay in or initiate a dialogue with their host state on issues related to gender identity or sexuality. Ultimately, these laws can have a far-reaching impact on businesses and the way they conduct their business travel. Businesses should ensure that they’re well-equipped to face these risks, as well as support the rights of their employees to ensure a productive and inclusive work environment.