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Trickle of Aid Flows Into Gaza as Palestinian Deaths Climb and Israeli Airstrikes Intensify

As the violence in Gaza between Israel and Hamas continues, a trickle of aid is entering the embattled region. Despite the dangerous conditions, aid workers remain committed to helping the thousands of civilians who are suffering amid the conflict. The aid, from the United Nations and other aid groups, is meant to ease the suffering of civilians caught in the conflict, according to U.N. humanitarian coordinator Jamie McGoldrick. McGoldrick said on Monday that a modest amount of aid had started to enter Gaza – about $14 million worth of food, medical, and other supplies. This news comes as Israeli airstrikes have pounded the Gaza strip, killing at least 230 Palestinians and causing widespread destruction to homes, hospitals, and other essential buildings. An Israeli air strike also destroyed the high-rise building that housed the United Nations, Al Jalala, Al Arabiya, and several other media outlets. It is not clear if these airstrikes will halt the violence in the region. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused Hamas of inciting violence by launching rockets at Israel, and has vowed to continue targeting terrorist groups. At the same time, Netanyahu said he would not hesitate to send troops into Gaza to restore quiet. Meanwhile, Hamas has rejected calls for a ceasefire and vowed to continue its “resistance” against Israel. The UN estimates that around 50,000 Palestinians are now homeless in Gaza due to the destruction caused by the airstrikes. This number could increase if a diplomatic solution to the conflict is not found soon. The international community is deeply concerned about the situation in Gaza. It is essential that a ceasefire is reached between Israel and Hamas in order to ensure the safety of all civilians in the region. In the meantime, humanitarian aid will continue to enter the region as long as it remains accessible, and will provide essential relief to people who are suffering in the conflict.