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“Biden’s Venezuela Gambit Reaps Unwelcome Results as Maduro Cries ‘Corruption’

The Biden administration’s attempts to appease Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro have backfired after the embattled leader suspended primaries for alleged corruption. Venezuela has been under the control of its authoritarian leader since 2013, when mass protests broke out against then-President Hugo Chavez’s government. The U.S. sanctioned Maduro in 2018 for his alleged involvement in human rights abuses and attempts to undermine democracy. In a recent shift of policy, the Biden administration unveiled plans to make diplomatic ties with the Maduro government. This included allowing accredited diplomats to communication between Washington, D.C. and Caracas and providing $17 million in coronavirus aid. The decision proved ill-advised as Maduro responded by suspending the opposition’s upcoming primary election for alleged dissent. He then accused the U.S. of trying to overthrow his government through the support of a “fake political construct”. Maduro’s actions have caused international outcry, with the European Union, United Nations, and United States all denouncing his decisions. US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, stated that “the Biden administration does not support the attempted power grab by MADURO and his cronies.” In response, the Biden administration is now faced with the difficult task of revisiting its diplomatic ties with Caracas and reconsidering its efforts to appease Maduro. With mounting pressure from the international community and support from democracys supporters, is increasingly clear that the Biden administration’s attempts to appease Maduro have backfired.