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“Two Weeks and Counting: Congress Races Against Time to Avert Shutdown

While the government shutdown that happened at the end of 2018 is already old news, Congress might already have another shutdown on their hands before 2019 is over. With just a little over two weeks left in the fiscal year, Congress has yet to reach an agreement on a 2020 government spending package, a necessary step in avoiding a second consecutive shutdown. It is estimated that the package needed to prevent a shutdown will cost $1.4 trillion. This would cover expenditures, such as military aid, relief for businesses and individuals affected by the shutdown, and other various projects. But getting Republicans and Democrats to come to terms on an agreement has been difficult to do in the short amount of time remaining. Both Democratic and Republican representatives are pointing fingers at the opposing party, saying that they do not have enough time to make decision due to the disagreements between the parties. Those on the Democratic side are making the case for prior bills they have proposed to address the timely issue, while Republicans are challenging Democrats to modify their own bills to fit their policy needs. However, at this moment, Congress has not seen the kind of consensus necessary to pass a spending package in the allotted time. Things are not looking particularly bright for Congress and the government looking ahead. The deadline to pass a spending package is rapidly approaching, and there is no visible move towards an agreement that both parties can agree to. Time is rapidly running out for Congress to come to a resolution and pass a full spending package before that same fate that was experienced late last year repeats itself. Congress must move quickly if it is to try and avoid a government shutdown, otherwise, the country could find itself in the same situation they experienced in December, with no resolution in sight.