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TV Showdown Looms: Trump and Media Defy Justice Dept Over D.C. Trial

For months, debate has raged over whether former President Donald Trump should face a televised trial in Washington D.C., after being charged with inciting the January 6th US Capitol riots. While Trump and his supporters argue that a televised trial is necessary for transparency and public accountability, the Justice Department has recently come out against the idea, citing potential security risks and disruption of court proceedings. At present, the legal dispute looks set to proceed to the Supreme Court for a decision. Trump’s legal team, led by his former attorney Michael van der Veen, is appealing a ruling by D.C. District Court Judge Randolph Moss which denied their request for a televised trial. Despite this ruling, the team is seeking an injunction to block the trial’s live broadcast while the appeal is considered. On the other side of the debate, the Justice Department has taken a clear stand against the broadcaster’s request. The department’s Office of General Counsel submitted a memorandum to the D.C. District Court, emphasizing that the government remains opposed to any proposal to televise the proceedings. This is despite President Biden having previously said that “all proceedings should be open to the public”. The document outlines how televising the proceedings would both create security risks and may distract the judge and jury. Additionally, the Justice Department argues that the proposal is a mere request for publicity and would accomplish nothing to further the interests of justice. Ultimately, whether or not Trump’s trial is seen on television will be decided by the Supreme Court, as the legal process moves forward. With both sides firmly established in their positions, it looks set to be an interesting judicial battle between the Trump camp and the Biden administration.