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Recounting Terror: Israeli Twin’s Brother Describes Attack on their Home

Aviyah and Noam Ohayon, two Israeli teenage sisters from a small village in northern Israel, opened their home to a terrorist on October 7, 2020. According to their brother, Itamar Ohayon, the terrorist burst through the back window of their house in Shavei Tzion during the early hours of the morning and began to stab both girls in the neck. They were taken from the scene in critical condition and were pronounced dead hours later. Itamar, who was not present at the time of the attack, said that he heard the noise and assumed it was a burglary. When he opened the door, he saw the terrorist standing with a knife in his hand. Itamar immediately ran to the room where his sisters were sleeping and saw the attacker thrown them both onto the floor. He said he wasn’t able to do anything other than shout for help and to push the terrorist away, but the culprit had already done his deed. The terrorist was captured shortly after by Israeli police and is now in custody awaiting his trial. Though the family does not yet know the motive behind the attack, police speculate that it is likely due to political and racial tensions in the surrounding areas. The terrorist’s arrest provided some solace to the Ohayon and their community, who were left devastated by the attack. In an interview, the family’s rabbi, Yerachmiel Weissberg, said the whole community was shaken. He praised the Ohayon family for their strength throughout their horrific ordeal, saying that their “acts of kindness and love were an example to us all.” The Ohayon family will especially remember their daughters for the courage they showed in these trying times. Aviyah and Noam were known as strong, independent young women who weren’t afraid to stand up for what they believed was right. Aviyah, 16, was a dedicated student, while Noam had a passion for art and often talked about pursuing a career in graphic design. The Ohayon’s story serves as a reminder that violence and intolerance are still present in today’s world. It also serves as a call to action-to continue to stand for justice and embrace love in order to combat hate. The tragedy of Aviyah and Noam’s untimely deaths will never be forgotten. Sadly, their dream of a better future for themselves and their country will remain largely unfulfilled.