
Live After Quit

Take a Stand at 30,000 Feet: Beat the Airborne Bully!

Today, airplanes have become an essential part of our lives, with more and more people turning to air travel every day. But with so many people up in the air, there’s bound to be problems. Perhaps the most common of these is “airplane bullying”. Airplane bullying is when a passenger uses manipulative or aggressive behaviour towards another passenger. This can include shouting, hitting, verbal abuse, sexually inappropriate behaviour, and trying to physically crowd or intimidate fellow passengers. Unfortunately, this is a problem that is not talked about enough. It can take a real toll on both the victim and any witnesses who may be in the immediate vicinity. It has even been known to cause psychological trauma in some cases. This is why it’s so important for everyone to be aware of the dangers of airplane bullying and to take steps to counter it. The first step is to be aware of your own feelings and know when you are feeling uncomfortable. It’s also important to remember not to stay quiet if you witness this kind of behaviour onboard a flight. There are tangible steps you can take if you’re a victim of bullying behavior in the sky. First, alert the flight attendants. They receive specialised training to deal with disruptive passengers and can take steps to ensure the safety of all on board. The next step is to report the incident to the airline. Most airlines will take the issue seriously and investigate the incident. This is especially true in the case of more serious offenses, as airlines are often keenly aware of their public image and don’t want bullying to negatively affect their brand. In the end, the best way to counter airplane bullying is to be vigilant and take action if you suspect or witness a situation that needs to be addressed. By calling out this kind of behaviour, we have the power to make the skies a safer and more respectful place.