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“Bombshell Resignation Rocks Pro-DeSantis Super PAC

The Chief Executive Officer of the Pro-Desantis Super PAC, formerly known as the “Rebuild Florida,” has resigned his post in light of mounting tensions between the organization and the Florida Democratic Party. After a series of contentious exchanges between the two camps, the PAC’s executive board asked its leader, Justin Sayfie, to step down. In a statement from the PAC, Sayfie said he agreed to step aside in order to “re-establish an honest dialogue and common understanding” between the PAC and the Democratic Party. The tension between the two political bodies had been escalating for weeks, with both sides accusing the other of underhanded tactics and interference in the electoral process. The Pro-Desantis Super PAC was founded in April of last year and had been actively supporting the reelection of Florida Governor Rick Desantis. On the other side, the Florida Democratic Party had been vocally critical of the PAC and its policies. The skirmish intensified earlier this month when the PAC accused the Democratic Party of “desperately mudslinging” their organization. The Democratic Party then counter-attacked, accusing the PAC of engaging in “questionable” financial practices. The timing surrounding Mr. Sayfie’s resignation could cause a shift in the electoral landscape. With no leader in place, the Super PAC will no longer be able to back any Republican candidate, likely resulting in a decrease in Desantis’s re-election odds. Furthermore, the resignation casts doubt on the future of the PAC. Without a leader, the organization’s ability to hire new staff and raise funds could be severely hindered. The political struggle between the Pro-Desantis Super PAC and the Florida Democratic Party is the latest example of a larger uptick in political division in the state. With this new development, the next several weeks will be a key barometer to measure how deep the divide has become.