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“Biden Feels the Heat as Hunter Refuses Congressional Summons

In a stunning move, President Biden has decided to remain silent regarding questions surrounding his son, Hunter Biden, defying a congressional subpoena. This subpoena was sent to Hunter Biden for his financial documents as part of an investigation into Biden’s ties to Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company. Themove to ignore the inquiry drew criticism from Republicans, with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell calling it “unprecedented and wrong”. McConnell went on to say that “the American people deserve better” than for the President to turn a blind eye to his son’s refusal to turn over relevant documents. This is not the first criticism President Biden has faced regarding his son, Hunter. Questions first arose in 2019 regarding Hunter’s role on the board of Burisma. At the time, Joe Biden was the Vice President and tasked with leading efforts in strengthening the United States’ relationship with Ukraine. The scandal heightened when former President Trump was impeached for allegedly withholding military aid from Ukraine in exchange for an investigation into the Bidens. Despite his denials, President Biden has been nearly silent on the matter since taking office in January. However, recent events have drawn further attention to the controversy, with Hunter Biden’s refusal to comply with the subpoena putting the President in an awkward position. When approached by reporters wanting to discuss the matter, President Biden opted to instead remain silent and continue walking away without making a comment. As the controversy continues, many are left wondering how the President will respond. With his son’s refusal to comply with the congressional subpoena throwing a wrench in the investigation, there is now increased pressure on President Biden to address the issue. How he chooses to move forward will be an important indicator of how his administration will handle ethical dilemmas of this magnitude.