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“White House Balances China’s Middle East AI Ambitions: Will Double Agents be Effective?

The Middle East has seen a surge of Chinese investment in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in recent years, and this has caused some concern among foreign policy analysts due to the risk of Chinese surveillance technology being used as a political tool. The White House has now stepped in to tackle the issues and mitigate concerns. Under the aegis of the US-Middle East Strategic Partnership (MESP), US officials have been visiting the region to discuss the potential risks of Chinese investment in AI. US officials have expressed their desire to ensure that American companies are not losing out on business opportunities in the Middle East due to the growth of Chinese AI. They have also raised the prospect of US-Middle East cooperation in the development of AI – a stark contrast to China’s largely unilateral approach. At the same time, the Trump Administration has put pressure on China to be more transparent about its activities in the region, and to “play by the rules”. US officials have also sought to counter Chinese strategic messaging that might otherwise weaken US-Middle East relations, by emphasizing the US’ commitment to regional security and economic development. Chinese AI firms have been using a variety of tactics to spread their influence in the Middle East – from leveraging government networks to offering free consultancy services to local businesses. As such, US policy towards China in the Middle East needs to be both proactive and adaptive in order to guard against potential abuses of power. Ultimately, the White House’s actions demonstrate a commitment to ensuring that the Middle East remains open for business to the US and its allies, rather than becoming a playground for foreign powers. This is an important step in safeguarding the region’s stability and security, and in creating the conditions for a prosperous future.