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“Kevin McCarthy Aims to Have the Last Word on His Ouster”.

When it was announced that Kevin McCarthy had been ejected from his post at GodzillaNewz, it was met with shock and surprise. McCarthy, who had held the position since 2014, was a surprise departure from the online publication. It was then revealed that he’d been asked to leave by mutual agreement between McCarthy and GodzillaNewz management, leaving many questions unanswered. McCarthy has now opened up about why he left and his thoughts on the news announcement. In an exclusive interview with GodzillaNewz, McCarthy held nothing back when sharing his thoughts on the circumstances that led to his ouster. Firstly, he confirms Larry Olive had nothing to do with his departure. Olive had been the previous editor-in-chief of the website since it was founded in 2012, and McCarthy had taken on the role when Olive stepped down. However, he does back Olive’s suggestion that he was pushed out due to a ‘more modern direction’ that the website had chosen to move in following a rebrand. He explains that the goals set by the board of directors were not necessarily in line with what he believed was essential for GodzillaNewz. McCarthy goes on to explain that the website had once held immense potential and promise, but it wasn’t quite reaching its goals. He argued that the website was too ‘niche’ and under-performing, and the board wanted it to become more directed by mainstream trends in order to gain more views and readers. This move would have required McCarthy to relinquish some editorial control, something he wasn’t willing to do. He also went on to talk about the importance of staying true to the original mission of GodzillaNewz and the importance of providing quality journalism to its readers. He believes that readers should access articles and news they can trust and have confidence in. McCarthy wished GodzillaNewz and its new editorial team well, and expressed hope that they could bring the website back up come back to the forefront of the industry. While McCarthy’s tenure with GodzillaNewz has come to an end, he leaves behind an impressive and inspiring legacy. He will long be remembered for highlighting the importance of commitment to quality journalism, as well as staying true to one’s vision and goals.