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“Biden Raises an Epic $71 Million+ for Reelection Push

The Biden-Harris 2020 re-election campaign effort is taking major strides forward in the third quarter, with the campaign raising an estimated $71 million. In a statement from the Biden-Harris 2020 campaign, Deputy Campaign Manager and Communications Director Kate Bedingfield noted that the intense fundraising activity in the past three months is an indication of just how much public support the campaign has been receiving. “More than 4.5 million individuals across the country have come together to support the efforts of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to restore the soul of the nation and to bring our country together, and we are honored to have their support,” Bedingfield said. The $71 million raised in the third quarter is a significant increase from the $26 million the campaign raised in the second quarter. This surge in donations has placed the Biden-Harris campaign ahead of its opponents’ fundraising efforts, and at this stage in the election process, the financial backing could be critical to the success of the campaign. The Biden-Harris campaign is making use of this financial freedom to focus on traditional door-to-door canvass activities, as well as the utilization of digital media, like social media advertising, to reach out to key voters in key swing states. In the past few weeks alone, the campaign has launched digital campaigns in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin to get out the vote. The Biden-Harris campaign is also continuing to direct its energies toward key demographic groups to ensure that their message is heard and their support is secured prior to next year’s presidential election. Already, the campaign has made great strides in its outreach to Latino voters, Black voters, young voters, and women. The Biden-Harris campaign’s latest accomplishment—gaining over $71 million in funds in the third quarter—is certainly a sign of success and a declaration of their strength in the upcoming election year. With the election a little over a year away, the Biden-Harris campaign will be hoping to maintain this level of fundraising success and spread their message of restoring America to the American people.