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“Under Pressure: Pence’s Campaign Struggles with Finances, Lackluster Support

The re-election campaign of Vice President Mike Pence has hit a major obstacle due to financial struggles, staff cuts, and low enthusiasm from supporters. For the past several months, Pence’s campaign has been operating in a deficit, making cuts to salaries for staff members and struggling to raise funds. This shortage of resources is causing a strain on the governor’s campaign. The Governor has also had difficulty gaining recognition and approval from the Trump supporters. It has been noted that rallies featuring Pence lack excitement, with crowds being small and appearing disinterested. The Vice President has been criticized for not speaking out enough regarding President Trump’s policies or for being too conservative in his views. As a result, many Trump supporters have lost faith in the Vice President’s ability to uphold the President’s values. It has also been noted that Pence lacks the same type of celebrity status as Trump which has proven to be an additional hurdle for his re-election campaign. His lack of public attention and recognition within the media, has resulted in Pence’s approval ratings being lower than the President’s. Though the Vice President has expressed his strong support of President Donald Trump and his policies, his campaign to seek the Vice Presidency is losing traction. It appears at this time, that Pence will have difficulty securing the necessary funds and support to sustain a competitive candidacy.