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9 Weeks Left Until Votes, Trump Shines as GOP Options Dwindle

For many pundits, election season is the most exciting time of the year. With less than nine weeks to go until the first votes are cast, the race for the White House is in full swing. Currently, Donald Trump is the commanding front runner in the Republican Party. Over the past few months he has managed to increase his lead, despite the continued consolidation of the GOP field. As of the most recent poll by ABC News, Trump is leading the remaining candidates with 39 percent of the vote. Ted Cruz is trailing close behind with 21 percent, while Marco Rubio and John Kasich are in 3rd and 4th place, respectively, at 18 and 12 percent. Overall, Trump has enjoyed substantial support from GOP voters. Despite having no political experience, he has managed to win the hearts and minds of many conservatives with his staunch rhetoric regarding immigration, terrorism, and other issues. In terms of support from within the party, Trump has also been helped by the steady decline of his opponents. Candidates such as Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, and Carly Fiorina have dropped out of the race, leaving Trump as the undisputed leader. Despite Trump’s strong showing thus far, there are still seven more weeks before the first Republican primaries take place. So, a lot is still to be seen. Trump’s seemingly endless momentum might make it difficult for any of his competitors to make any startling gains. But, with a crowded field, and a diverse set of issues, things are still looking uncertain. At this point, Trump is favored to secure the Republican nomination for President. But in the tumultuous world of politics, nothing is certain. While anything can still happen, one thing is for sure; the race for the White House is about to get really interesting.