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Close Vote Looms: Hollywood Actors Face Criticism Over Controversial Contract Terms

The outcome of contract negotiations between Hollywood actors and producers could be close as the two sides recently concluded weeks-long negotiations which have yet to yield a final agreement. The talks between the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) are meant to reach an agreement on a deal governing wages and benefits for the actors. The previous deal between the two groups expired last June. Actors have fiercely opposed parts of the proposed deal over concerns regarding residual payments, wages and job security. Negotiations included topics like how actors should be compensated for new media work, as well as providing protections against sexual harassment and expanded pensions. Despite drawing up a final offer, the AMPTP has yet to put it to a vote by union members, and it’s believed the weaker contract terms offered could cause the vote to be quite close. On the other hand, a significant portion of members have expressed support for the deal despite concerns, believing that it would be better for their career to accept a deal rather than endure a prolonged strike. The effects of the negotiations have been felt across the industry, with SAG-AFTRA urging its members to hold off on signing with new projects until a deal has been finalized. The stalemate has already forced productions like Netflix’s “Deadline Gallipoli” to be put on hold, and if the union members don’t approve the deal, it likely won’t be long before more projects run into similar problems. No matter the outcome of the vote, it’s likely to reverberate throughout Hollywood. The negotiations, and especially the vote results, could influence future contract negotiations between AMPTP and SAG-AFTRA as well as other Hollywood player unions. It remains to be seen whether the union members will accept the terms in the current offer, but one thing is certain: the final outcome will set a precedent for future contracts to come.