Reply to “Reply to Whitehead” by Desvousges, Mathews and Train (the correction)
As described in the introduction of my (draft) "Reply to 'Reply to Whitehead'", I suspect that I have used the incorrect confidence intervals when analyzing the Desvousges, Mathews and Train (2015) data. Park, Loomis and Creel (1991) introduced the Krinsky-Robb
Reply to “Reply to Whitehead” by Desvousges, Mathews and Train (an introduction)
Desvousges, Mathews and Train (Land Economics, 2015) use the contingent valuation method (CVM) to conduct an adding-up test (i.e., does WTPA + WTPB = WTPA+B?). They use the nonparametric Turnbull estimator and find that the data do not pass the
Google Silently Chucked the Dot (.) in Gmail Addresses; Chaos Followed
Gmail was the most popular fad in the early 2000's when it was rolled out as an invite only free email service by Google. Everyone I knew wanted one.What I did not know was that Gmail would, at any random
Opening Up the Economy: Containing the Spread of the Corona Virus in Public Spaces
The nature of the Corona Virus has most of the scientific community bewildered. It gives flashbacks to The Contagion. But technology and scientific progress have come a long way since the movie was released. As of today, in a span