
May 2021

ABSTRACT: Isaiah Berlin made the distinction between negative liberty and positive liberty. Since then, prominent contemporary philosophers including Charles Taylor and Martha Nussbaum have declared negative liberty insufficient or incoherent. This is a critique of those declarations, which have been

Volume 8, Number 1 (1986) I In the Preface to The Mirage of Social Justice, the second volume of his trilogy on Law, Legislation and Liberty, F. A. Hayek explained that "circumstances have contributed to delay the publication of the second volume

Elizabeth Warren has decided that bitcoin mining uses "too much" electricity. This raises an important question: Is Senator Warren qualified to decide on the "correct" amount of electricity usage? Original Article: "Does Bitcoin Use "Too Much" Electricity?" Narrated by Jessica Hill.

ABSTRACT: This article introduces a new approach to the problem of political spectrum polarization. Political science has introduced a multitude of spectrograms based on different factors, dimensions, axes, and cardinal points. Most often the graphics do not complement each other,