
Live After Quit

The Mises Institute’s Fall Campaign Starts Today. Please Support Us!

In America today, we have seen a radical acceleration in the form of advancing covid tyranny, political censorship, central bank–fueled inflation, the mainstreaming of cultural Marxism, and a federal regime looking to turn the tools of the war on terror against its own citizens.

These attacks on our liberty didn’t happen because of a bad election cycle. They happened because America’s institutions were taken over by intellectuals explicitly hostile to a prosperous and peaceful civilization. That is why we need your support.

In the words of Ludwig von Mises: “Everything that happens in the social world in our time is the result of ideas. Good things and bad things. What is needed is to fight bad ideas.”

This is the mission of the Mises Institute. Like Mises before us, we defend, promote, and develop the ideas vital for a free and prosperous civilization.

Online and in-person, we attack the state, the political and technocratic class, and their crony clients—without exception and without apology. We reach more people than some DC organizations with ten times our budget. Now our mission is more important than ever.

In the past eighteen months, we have seen far too many organizations that pay lip service to “individual liberty” bend the knee to the regime, making “libertarian cases” for vaccine mandates, monetary hedonism, and political censorship. During that same time, the Mises Institute was among the first to condemn lockdowns, to warn about the economic consequences of unhinged Federal Reserve policies, and has proudly continued to hold live events—including Mises University.

Our strength comes from the example of Ludwig von Mises. No matter the horrors of the political regime in power, no matter the hostility of mainstream academia, no matter the lengths his opponents would go to silence him—he never gave up his defense of a freer and more prosperous world.

Like Mises, we are proud of the enemies we have made over the years—but even prouder of the supporters we have. It is because of donors that we can do our work without fear of being canceled. It is because of our donors that we can tell the truth when no one else will.

This week is our Fall Campaign and we need your help. Join us (or renew your Membership) today! You will be listed on as a Supporter! Donate this week and receive our booklet The Middle of the Road Leads to Socialism by Mises. Even better, as a donor you will receive special access to a Private Seminar with Jeff Deist and Bob Murphy discussing Mises’s timeless work.

Please give today!