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Thanks to Our Fall Campaign Donors

“Thank you!” to the generous supporters, below, who donated to our Fall Campaign. The best people in the world support the Mises Institute. Will you join them?

The goal of our Fall Campaign is simple—to increase our Membership and our influence. Please take time to donate TODAY.


Monday, September 27

Mr. Abdelhamid Abdou
Mr. Meldon Acheson
Mr. John Adler
Dr. Richard Adler,
     In Memory of Nancy Adler
Mr. Robert Adrian
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ryan Alford
Mr. Leandro Alonzo Burgueno
Mr. Christian Alvarez,
     In Honor of all the libertarian people that are involved in the ideas battle in Latinoamerica
Mr. Michael Archie
Mr. Richard Armstrong,
     In Memory of Zechariah Farr
Edgard Baqueiro
Mr. Durwood Barron
Don Barzyk
Dr. Jeremy Bell
Mr. Davis Bennett,
     In Honor of Dr. Ron Paul
Mr. Thomas Bertrand
Mr. Stuart Beverley
Mr. Dennis M. Blair
Mr. Michael Blevins
Mr. Jeremy M. Boles
Mr. Michael Bonenberger
Gosse Bouma
Mr. Melvin Brandl
Mr. Ryan Breen
Mr. Keith Brilhart
Mr. Caleb Brown
Mr. Scott Burkhardt
Mr. Michael Burkhart
Mr. Brian Burley
Mr. Matthew J. Cannon
Mr. Scott Carl
Mr. Sammy Cartagena
Mark Casamento
Bobby Cathey
Mr. Johnny Chin
Mr. Alex Combs
Mr. Robert Courser
Mr. Marc DAngelo
Robin Dea
Mr. Ethan Demilio
Mr. Jose De Souza
Mr. Paul Diggins
Nikola Dimitrov
Mr. Aleksandar Djuricic
Ms. Maureen Dowst, CPA, PLLC
Mr. Kent Drinkwater
Mr. Caleb Earl
Mr. Bryce Eickholt
Erol Era
Or Ezra
Mr. Tom Fachan
Mr. Donald Fannon
Mr. Thomas Felix
Mr. Justin Fischer
Mr. Tony Fulgenzi
Mr. Frank Galusha
Mr. Aron Gahagan
Mr. Allen Gindler
Mr. David Gleason
Mr. Robert Gordon
Dr. Marvin Graham
Ms. Charlotte Kay Graham
Ms. Elizabeth Gravely
Mr. John Grieco
Mr. Tyler Grossman
Mr. Matthew Gunter
Mr. Luis Gustavo Felippi
Mr. Randall Hansen
Mr. R. Reid HansonMr. Sheldon Hayer
Mr. Logan Hazan
Mr. Jack Henderson
Ms. Amandah Hendricks,
     In Memory of Freedom
Mr. Joseph Henninger
Mr. Daniel Herlt
Mr. Terrill Herring
Mr. James Hickey
Mr. Philip Hill
Mr. Chris Hindmarch
Mr. Nathan Hines
RW Hobert
Mr. Stephen Holohan
Mr. Daniel Holway
Mr. Timothy Hotchkiss
Mr. Hal Howerton
Mr. Curtis M. Howland
Mr. Bill Hoyer
Mr. Mark Hunter
Mr. Jeffrey Jacobi
Mr. Bob Jones
Dorian Jones
Mr. Jeremy Jones
Mr. Peter J. Kalisky
Mr. Charles Kapela
Mr. Brandon Karpeles
Mrs. Marnie Kerrison
Dr. Ricardo Almeida Kilson
Mr. Thomas Kirwan
Mr. Jacob Klaser
Anton Kovalenko
Mr. Kenneth Kuhn
Mr. John H. Land
Mr. Shawn Lazar
Dr. Nicolau Leal Werneck,
     In Honor of the central-planners out there
Mr. Andrew Leaver
Mr. Kevin LeCureux
Mr. Jean Lesperance
Mr. Jared Lindquist,
     In Honor of
Thiago Lo
Mr. Richard Lodato
Mr. Matthew Lorence
Mr. Jacob Lovell
Zoran Low
Mr. Michael Luke
Dimitrios Lypourlis
Mr. Aaron Macias
Mrs. Caroline Macri
Benedict Maliakkal
Mr. William Malis
Mr. Gabriel Marin
Mr. Kris P. Marin
Mr. Neal Marston
Mr. John Mason
Mr. Samuel Matthews
Mr. Roy McCollum
Mr. James E. McCullen
Zeke Mckee
Mr. Frank McLean
Marco Messina
Ms. Susan Meyers
Mr. Todd Miller
Mr. Zach Mills
Ms. Gail Mitchell
Mr. Samuel A. Mitchell
Mr. Michael Milovancev
Mr. Mark Moretti
Mr. Jack Moses
Mr. Richard Muldoon
Dr. James W. Mulholland
Dr. Lyle Muller
Ms. Helen NardiMr. Connor Obrien
Boo O’Conner
Mr. Marcus Omlin
Mr. Robert Onder
Mr. Michael Page
Mr. John W. Panchuk
Mr. Nilo Pascoaloto
Mr. Enrique Pascual Manzano
Mr. Alvin Plummer
Mr. Joshua Polk
Mr. James Potts
Ms. Margareta Raducan
Mr. Bruno Raphenon
Mr. Richard Reeves
Mr. Kurt Reschar
Ms. Susanna Reynolds
Ivo Ribeiro
Mr. James Robinson
Mr. Richard Ross
Mr. David Royle
Quentin Salley
Mr. Rajiv Saraf
Mr. James Sawyer
Mr. Joshua Schubert
Mr. Pete Secor
Ms. Julie Seiffert Jasto
Ms. Karen Selick
Mr. Mikhail Serfontein,
     In Honor of Jurie and Uta Serfontein
Jesse Shattuck
Mr. Eduard Sherstnev
Helder Simoes,
In Honor of Nuno Neves
Mr. Andrew Smith
Hochiu So
Ms. Deborah Solomon
Mr. Donald Solow
AJ Tyvand
Mr. Byron L. Stoeser
Mr. Allen Stokes,
     In Honor of Ludwig von Mises
Mr. David Stroh, JD,
     In Memory of Edwin J. Stroh
Mr. Laron Tamaye
Roxane Telesha
Mr. Michael Thomas
Mr. Thomas Timpone,
     In Honor of John Adams
Mr. Joseph Torsiello
Mr. Michael Townsend
Roman Traber
Mr. Aaron Tuttle
Mr. Steve Tuttle,
     In Memory of Ed Lampitt
Mr. Hank Van Gasselt
Mr. Lionel Vasquez
Mr. Ian Vigus
Mr. Nicholas Walker
Mr. Jason Watson,
     In Honor of Michael Malice and Tom Woods
Mr. David Wenger
Mr. Ronald L. West
Mr. Christopher Westley
Mr. Todd Williams
Mr. Joe Withrow
Ms. Elaine Woodriff
Mr. Roger Woodward
DC Wornock
Mr. Christopher C. Wren
Mr. Jeffrey A. Yerkes
Mr. David Zientara
Mr. Robert Zumwalt


All donors will be listed on our home page this week. Recurring donors of $5 or more, or one-time donors of $60 or more, will receive a free copy of The Middle of the Road Leads to Socialism by Ludwig von Mises.