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Double Your Gift on Mises’s Birthday!

Today marks the birthday of Ludwig von Mises, and a chance to double your impact.

Mises was the most important scholar of the twentieth century, a man who not only revolutionized our understanding of economic science, but was also a powerful champion of liberty and property and the greatest enemy of socialists of all kinds.

In the world today, we are seeing what Mises feared. Our institutions have been infested with the products of a university system hostile to private property and individual liberty. We are governed by power-hungry technocrats seeking more and more control. Today the justification is covid. Tomorrow it may be “climate change” or central bank–fueled inflation.

The crisis may change, but their answer will remain the same: the sacrifice of our freedom to the whims of would-be central planners.

This is why our work is so important, and why we need your support. Become a Sustaining Member today for just $5 a month, or join or renew your Membership for $60, and you will receive our timely booklet The Middle of the Road Leads to Socialism by Mises. We will also list you on as a Supporter! Even better, as a donor you will receive special access to a Private Seminar with Jeff Deist and Bob Murphy discussing Mises’s timeless work.

A small gift of just $5 or $10 today makes a difference. A monthly recurring gift is even better, and helps us sustain and plan for our mission. Hunter Lewis, a generous supporter of the Institute, offered to match all donations during our Fall Campaign, so your contribution will go that much further.

Our mission is simple: keep lit the torch of civilized society that Ludwig von Mises has passed down to us.

In the words of Mises:

“No one can find a safe way out for himself if society is sweeping towards destruction. Therefore everyone, in his own interests, must thrust himself vigorously into the intellectual battle. None can stand aside with unconcern; the interests of everyone hang on the result. Whether he chooses or not, every man is drawn into the great historical struggle, the decisive battle into which our epoch has plunged us.”

Help us stand for civilization. Help us stand for liberty. Help us stand for Ludwig von Mises. Please donate today.