Why Bureaucrats Are Sitting on So Much Money-Losing Real Estate
The very size and scope of the United States federal government is likely something that Ludwig von Mises could not have imagined, despite writing the book which foretold the results of such a behemoth, Bureaucracy. Early on Mises wrote, “Congress
In Defense of the Speculator
It will come as yesterday's news that the speculator is perennially under attack by the social justice warriors. Yet speculators serve a crucial and valuable role in surviving economic disasters. Original Article: "In Defense of the Speculator" This Audio Mises Wire is
Max Hillebrand on Free Software Entrepreneurship with Bitcoin
Entrepreneurs are developing a new world of innovative business models far from regulated markets, crony capitalism, and corporate control. It’s a new world of cyber security, free software, value-for-value exchange, integrated with bitcoin. Max Hillebrand operates in this new world,
You’ll Be Shocked the Learn There’s Corruption at the Fed
Some fed officials simply shrugged off what was an obvious conflict of interest when they traded stocks and real estate holdings while making policy. The rules don't apply to central bankers. Original Article: "You'll Be Shocked the Learn There's Corruption at
Vaccine Mandates: Who Will Comply, and Why?
The presumption of venality, as it is inscribed into new measures against the pandemic, is extremely interesting, at least from an anthropological point of view. The measures implemented over large parts of Europe include, most notably, covid certificates. Elsewhere, in
Why “Natural Immunity” Is a Political Problem for the Regime
Since 2020, public health technocrats and their allies among elected officials have clung to the position that absolutely every person who can possibly get a covid vaccine should get one. Both the Mayo Clinic website and the Centers for Disease Control and
US Military Propaganda in Film, Sports, and TV: It’s Everywhere
From the darkened cinema to the football field to the airport screening line, the US government inflated the actual threat of terrorism and the necessity of an aggressive military response. Original Article: "US Military Propaganda in Film, Sports, and TV: It's
Why the Federalists Hated the Bill of Rights
The Constitution had been ratified and was going into effect, and the next great question before the country was the spate of amendments which the Federalists had reluctantly agreed to recommend at the state conventions. Would they, as Madison and
Is Self-Ownership Necessary?
Isn’t a principle of nonaggression against others another way of stating the self-ownership principle? "Not necessarily," says the insightful philosopher Chandran Kukathas. Original Article: "Is Self-Ownership Necessary?" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Michael Stack.
From Diseases to Recessions, Government Failure Is Endemic
Massive government intervention in the aftermath of the global financial crisis has not prevented the Great Recession, but had actually deepened and prolonged it until the covid-19 pandemic and government lockdowns sent the economy into a tailspin in 2020. Larger