The Fed’s Plan Is Failing: Stagflation Looms as Job Growth Stalls
The Fed’s apparent plan to somehow get to full employment and then deal with inflation sounds nice, but reality could easily derail the plan. Meanwhile, job growth is low and prices are rising. Original Article: "The Fed's Plan Is Failing: Stagflation
What Texas’s Unilateral Immigration Policy Tells Us about Washington
What we’re beginning to see is policy ghettoization, wherein states pass laws that the most fervent activists on the left and right, respectively, cannot enact at the federal level. Original Article: "What Texas's Unilateral Immigration Policy Tells Us about Washington" This Audio
Shakespeare Helps Us Understand Rome’s Descent into Empire
Shakespeare’s Rome: Republic and Empireby Paul Cantor1976; University of Chicago Press, 2017, 228 pp. Paul Cantor will probably be best known to readers of the Mises page for his pioneering use of Austrian economics in literary criticism, and many will also
The Fed Is Bailing Out the Wealthy as Everyone Else Pays the Price
The Federal reserve says that inequality is a problem. At the same, the Fed also pretends to have nothing to do with it. Last September, for instance, Jerome Powell bemoaned the "relative stagnation of income" for people with lower incomes in
Rebutting Paul Krugman on the “Austrian” Pandemic
Paul Krugman’s “logical problem” with ABCT derives entirely from his superficial understanding of the theory. Original Article: "Rebutting Paul Krugman on the "Austrian" Pandemic" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Michael Stack.
What They Really Mean When They Say “Do the Right Thing”
As a senior in high school, I ran for class president with “Do the right thing” as my campaign slogan. Though I realized years ago how utterly pretentious that message is, I’m often reminded that it’s good politics, which proves
Why the Fed Is So Desperate to Hide Price Inflation
The Fed is backed into a corner. If price inflation continues, the public could demand action and the Fed could be forced to cut back the flow of easy money, which may lead to a depression. Original Article: "Why the Fed
Can Economic Data Explain the Timing and Causes of Recessions?
Most economists are of the view that through the inspection of economic data it is possible to identify early warning signs regarding boom bust cycles. What is the rationale behind this way of thinking? During the 1930s the National Bureau of
Who Moved My Cheese?: A Book Review
Are you someone who resists change? Do you find it excruciatingly painful to jump out of your comfort zone? Does your fickle mind time and again give you baseless excuses, scotching you from seeing what good lies ahead whenever you
Mark Spitznagel Teaches the Economists How to Invest
Bob reviews Mark Spitznagel's latest book, Safe Haven: Investing for Financial Storms, on which he was a consultant. Bob explains that Spitznagel rejects the alleged dichotomy between risk and return, and then gives a numerical example to illustrate the two schools