Theory and History
In the first episode of the Liberty vs. Power Podcast, Tho Bishop and Patrick Newman take a deep dive into the intellectual framework of Rothbardian historical analysis. This includes looking at the “conspiracy analyst” as a praxeologist, identifying what personal incentives may motivate individual actors that directly influence government policy.
Tho and Patrick also discuss the importance of history as a vital tool in what Murray Rothbard considered “the science of liberty,” and look at how battles over issues like Critical Race Theory highlight the ways the progressive left have leveraged historical narrative to strengthen their political agenda.
Cronyism: Liberty versus Power in Early America, 1607–1849 by Patrick Newman — Mises.org/LP1_Crony
Important Links
“The Conspiracy Theory of History Revisited” by Murray Rothbard — Mises.org/LP1_A
“Murray Rothbard and Jacksonian Banking” by Leonard Liggio — Mises.org/LP1_B
“Coming of Age With Murray” by Hans Hermann Hoppe — Mises.org/LP1_C
“The Forgotten Greatness of Rothbard’s Preface to Theory and History” by George Pickering — Mises.org/LP1_D
“The Fight over Economics Is a Fight over Culture” by Ryan McMaken — Mises.org/LP1_E
“How to Do Economic History” by Joseph T. Salerno — Mises.org/LP1_F
“The Case for Revisionism (and Against A Priori History)” by Murray N. Rothbard — Mises.org/LP1_J
Additional Reading
Theory and History: An Interpretation of Social and Economic Evolution by Ludwig von Mises — Mises.org/LP1_G
The Economic Mind in American Civilization: 1606-1865, Volume One by Joseph Dorfman — Mises.org/LP1_H