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Stanley Goldfarb on Taking CRT Out of the Exam Room

Our guest is Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, author of the recently-released Take Two Aspirins and Call Me By My Pronouns, a book that details the intrusion of critical race theory and identity politics into medical education and medical practice. He is a former Associate Dean for Curriculum at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine and returns to the show to discuss his book and the new organization that he is leading to push back against the new trend.


Stanley Goldfarb: Twitter

Do No Harm

Related Episode: Ep. 102 Curriculum Subverted: An Academic Leader Pushes Back Against Woke Medicine (with Stanley Goldfarb)

Related Episode: Ep. 140 Amy Wax on Wokeness in Medicine

Related Episode: Ep. 149 James Lindsay: Critical Race Theory, Post-Modernism, and Medicine

Watch the episode on the Accad & Koka Report YouTube channel