The Meaning and History of Liberty: An In-Print Bibliography
You can only read so many books in a lifetime. How tragic it would be if among these that the subject of liberty itself would be neglected.
Thus am I currently at work on a fascinating project: the 100 most important books on liberty. It will not only be a list but eventually a book that will include summaries, discussions, and study questions. You will hear more about that in the future.
For now, however, I have compiled a different list: 125 books in print, useful for understanding liberty and the system of individual enterprise. Thus does it emphasize, with a few exceptions, modern rather than historical works.
It makes no claim to be comprehensive and is nothing more than introduction to a vast literature. Many are available online, many of them on this site. The links below, however, point to editions available in the Mises store. Others are available through other sellers.
Originally published June 2005.