
June 2022

Skyrocketing asset prices are great for hedge fund managers and Wall Street types, but they increasingly drive ordinary people into unsustainably large amounts of debt. Original Article: "Are Today's Homeownership Rates Sustainable?" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. 

Tho Bishop introduces a new Mises Institute podcast: War, Economy, and State, with Ryan McMaken and Zachary Yost. The War, Economy, and State podcast covers geopolitics and international relations from a free-market and anti-interventionist perspective. You can subscribe at Be

Since the state is incorrigible and incapable of being reformed, perhaps the best way to deal with government predations is to boycott the elections. Original Article: "Let's Boycott Them!" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.