August’s Price Inflation Soared, and That Means Earnings Fell Yet Again
This is bad news for the administration, which has repeatedly attempted to downplay the relentless increases to the cost of living being inflicted on Americans after years of deficit spending, fueling inflationary monetary policy. Original Article: "August's Price Inflation Soared, and
How the Fed Helped Create Another Calamity: The Ongoing Emerging Market Debt Crisis
The Fed's suppression of interest rates in the USA didn't just affect this nation's economy. It also drove investors to seek higher interest rates in questionable investments. Original Article: "How the Fed Helped Create Another Calamity: The Ongoing Emerging Market Debt Crisis" This Audio
Déjà Vu: Argentines Once Again are Voting for More Inflation While Remaining in Denial
Argentina is synonymous with hyperinflation, but apparently its voters have not had enough. Original Article: "Déjà Vu: Argentines Once Again are Voting for More Inflation While Remaining in Denial" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.
Socialism Is Not Groupthink, but Statethink: A Brief Comment on Jordan Peterson
According to Jordan Peterson, left-wing totalitarians are characterized by an ideology in which group identity is paramount. I will demonstrate that this is a misconception. Historically, socialists have fought against feudalism and capitalism in the name of emancipating the individual
The Truth about American Inequality
Economist and Mises Institute Associated Scholar Robert Ekelund recently teamed up with former US Senator Phil Gramm and John Early to write The Myth of American Inequality: How Gernment Biases Policy Debate. The book was released this month by Rowman
The “Stunning Success” of the Green Revolution Is Yet Another Progressive Myth
One of the key myths of the twentieth century is the benign role played by international, American-led institutions after the Second World War. American liberals/progressives, fresh from imposing the New Deal in the thirties and planning and directing a world
The Queen is Dead, Democracy is Dying
With Queen Elizabeth II lying in state at Westminster Abbey, hereditary monarchies are under attack as archaic & absurd. Has mass democracy in the West done any better? Ryan McMaken joins Jeff and Bob to discuss. Read Ryan's Article on Monarchs:
Why the Fed Usually Ignores its Mandate for “Stable Prices”
In recent years, Congress has attempted to add various new mandates to the Federal Reserve's mission. In 2020, Democrats introduced the "Federal Reserve Racial and Economic Equity Act." Then, in 2021, pundits and politicians were telling us that it's the Fed's
When “Decolonialization” Creates More Problems than It Allegedly Solves
People across the globe are demanding that governments repudiate the legacies of colonialism. Some think that true independence requires liberation from colonial institutions, while for many, preserving colonial laws is indicative of mental enslavement. Such arguments are emotionally appealing but
Mandatory Vaccines vs. Logic and Kantian Ethics
Vaccine mandates imposed by governments violate individual rights and further the coercive powers of the state. They also violate Kantian ethical norms, turning people into vehicles to accomplish the ends of governing elites. Original Article: "Mandatory Vaccines vs. Logic and Kantian