A Critique of the Bitcoin Stock-to-Flow Model
While Bitcoin's S2F Model has come under some criticism, the best analysis of its flaws comes from perspective of Austrian Economics. Original Article: "A Critique of the Bitcoin Stock-to-Flow Model" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. '
The Legacy of Murray Rothbard
Featuring David Gordon, Paul Gottfried, Peter Klein, and Joseph Salerno. Sponsored by Happy Baily and Charlie Martin.
Why Revisionism Matters
Recorded at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona on October 7th, 2022.
Higher Education in Crisis: The Problem of Ideological Homogeneity
College faculties historically have leaned left-of-center, but today, a rigid progressive ideology is enforced not only by faculty, but also by higher education administrations. Original Article: "Higher Education in Crisis: The Problem of Ideological Homogeneity" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by
Why Do Western Celebrities Usually Support Collectivism?
It won’t be away from anyone’s knowledge not to observe the way many active celebrities favor collectivist ideology. Most probably the answer to why intellectuals favor socialism or collectivism is answered clearly. Unlike in the twentieth century, actors and athletes
Can We Have Scarcity but Reject the “Scarcity Mindset?” in a Word, No
Since I am an economist and my school year is not too far along, my classroom discussion of how all of economics traces back to the fact of scarcity (the combination of limited resources, which implies a limited ability to
The Recession in the Productive Sector Is Here
Governments and central banks have become the lender of first resort instead of the last resort, and this is immensely dangerous. Global debt soars, inflation creeps in, and many of the so-called supply chain disruptions are the result of zombification
Myth versus Ideology: Why Free Market Thinking Is Nonideological
I’ll begin with a provocative thesis: socialism is ideological and free market thinking, while involving myth, is nonideological. I will show why socialism is ideological and why free market thinking involves myth but is nonideological by defining the terms myth
The Higher Ed System Is Ripping Us Off
Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop talk with historian Chris Calton about student loans, "the college experience," and the lack of ideological diversity on college campuses today. Recommended Reading "College as an Economic and Social Problem: Dealing with the Culture" by Chris Calton:
What Do Supply and Demand Curves Really Tell Us? Not Very Much
It is easy to think of supply and demand curves as being key to economic analysis. In reality, they can't tell us much, and emphasizing them actually stands in the way of better understanding economic processes. Original Article: "What Do Supply and