Diamond and Dybvig and the Panic of 1907
My last post argued that, despite what Diamond and Dybvig's famous theory suggests, bank runs have seldom proven fatal to otherwise sound banks. Instead, when people run on a bank, it's usually because it's already in hot water. In response to
The Ongoing Covid Deceptions: How Ruling Elites Lied about Masks and Mask Mandates
The mishandling of the covid-19 pandemic by global elites has severely eroded confidence in expert opinion. New information is emerging that senior officials doubted policies that were foisted upon the American public. By sharing the results of his deposition with
“Classical Liberalism” Will Never Satisfy the Left
“Today the tenets of this nineteenth-century philosophy of liberalism are almost forgotten. In the United States “liberal” means today a set of ideas and political postulates that in every regard are the opposite of all that liberalism meant to the
Who Pays Wealth Tax: The Rich or the Poor?
Spain's government is attempting to levy a wealth tax ostensibly to be "in solidarity with the poor." Because wealth taxes ultimately help lower real wages, there will be more poor people to share in the "solidarity." Original Article: "Who Pays Wealth Tax:
Do Falling Prices Cause or Predict a Recession?
In the midst of excessive US economic and geopolitical uncertainties due to rampant inflation and the continuing Russian invasion of Ukraine, the 7.7 percent October inflation report comes as a small relief. The unemployment rate touched 3.7 percent in October, remaining
The Fed Is Not “a Good Idea that Became Corrupt”: It Always Was Corrupt
It is easy to think of the Fed as a good institution that simply lost its way. In truth, it was a bad idea and a bad institution from its beginning. Original Article: "The Fed Is Not "a Good Idea that Became
Fiat and Gold: Two Fixes for a Broken US Monetary Base
In the laboratory of history, great inflation followed by great disinflation opens the road to monetary regime change. Sometimes the road leads to a better place. Think of the US return to gold in 1879 following the inflationary issue of
As Easy Money Crashes, the Political and Legal Effects Appear
As inflation ravages the economy, easy money is disappearing, with political and legal consequences to follow. Original Article: "As Easy Money Crashes, the Political and Legal Effects Appear" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.
Why Did Trussonomics Fail So Quickly?
Liz Truss sought to be another Margaret Thatcher, but her ballyhooed budget numbers did not add up. Original Article: "Why Did Trussonomics Fail So Quickly?" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.
After Years of “Stimulus” Come Surging Debt and Falling Wages
For all the positive talk, Americans are piling on more debt just as real wages are falling, job losses are mounting, and debt costs are rising. Thanks, Fed! Original Article: "After Years of "Stimulus" Come Surging Debt and Falling Wages" This Audio Mises Wire