Does this mean the tenure police are coming to revoke my tenure?
From the inbox:
The SSRN Processing Team has added the following comment to your submission, Count Data Models and the Problem of Zeros in Recreation Demand Analysis (Abstract ID 3559768):
This submission has been removed from SSRN at the request of Wiley-Blackwell, copyright holder of the work. The publisher will allow authors to submit a working paper or preprint version to SSRN by going to https://hq.ssrn.com and starting a new submission. Once Submitted, contact the SSRN Support Center (https://service.elsevier.com/app/home/supporthub/ssrn/), and we will assist in reinstating your views and downloads.
Some thoughts:
I didn’t submit anything to start with. That paper was published in 1996–one year after I got my PhD. It was also my job market paper that got me my first job at East Carolina University, where I met John. That paper was also part of my dissertation that won the the AAEA Outstanding PhD Dissertation Award in 1996 (talk about peaking early). It has been cited 132 times according to the Google. A copy of the paper can be found here, (so take THAT SSRN). It has been cited once for each of the last two years. I think its useful life might be over.