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“China Reaps Rewards After UN Leaders Summit: ‘Tired But Victorious’

This week, world leaders from around the globe descended on the United Nations (UN) in New York for a much anticipated global summit. After days of debate and discussion, the summit concluded without China incurring any major penalties or condemning resolutions. China, the second-largest economy in the world, has often been the source of contention between East and West. With the rise of its economic and military clout, some countries have accused the Chinese leadership of aggressive geopolitical maneuvering and human rights abuses. At a meeting on Wednesday night, tensions threatened to boil over when China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, called for countries to embrace global free trade. He then touched upon the “four threats” that the Chinese regime claims are faced by all countries today – terrorism, cyber threats, natural disasters, and a level of economic inequality. What followed was a rejection of one country singling out another and a call for international cooperation. A united front was formed and an agreement was reached to increase economic exchange and tackle all threats without singling out any single country. The resolution was accepted by all countries in attendance, and China was able to escape the UN summit unscathed. China’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement praising the resolution and showing relief that its position in the international community had been recognized and respected. Exhaustion seemed to have finally set in at the end of the summit, but the hope of compromise and cooperation remains. Despite the pressing differences between East and West, the summit appears to have put us one step closer to a more peaceful and prosperous world.