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“GOP Reveals ‘Damning Evidence’ of Hunter Biden’s CCP Connection!

US lawmakers from the Republican party have recently exposed a possible conflict of interests between Hunter Biden, the son of US president Joe Biden, and a Chinese conglomerate closing linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The comparison between the two of them has been labelled “disturbing” and “damning” by the GOP members. The widespread controversy of the Biden-CCP affair surfaced after it was revealed that Hunter Biden had accepted a $1.5 billion investment offer from the Chinese investor Ye Jianming in the fall of 2017. With these funds, Hunter Biden was appointed as a director of the newly founded EDBI, an investment firm focusing on cutting edge technology projects. The deal became even more scandalous once the source of the investment was revealed to be the CC it was discovered that Ye Jianming has close ties with the CCP. He was the former executive of CEFC China Energy, a Chinese energy giant with close proximity to the Chinese government and the finance arm of the CCP. This cosy relationship has caused much distress among the GOP members, especially as it comes at a time when the United States and China are at loggerheads over trade deals, geopolitical issues and human rights. Ge. Burgess Owens, R-Utah, expressed his shock at the situation, saying “It’s quite disturbing to see the amount of money, the financial connections that a son of a president has with such a controversial company in a country that’s not our best friend”. Furthermore, on the 18th of May, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) characterized the situation as “damning”, pointing out the potential dangerous implications of such a deal. In response to the allegations, the Biden-Harris campaign team has responded that Hunter was merely providing a business service, and any link between Ye Jianming and a Chinese spy has not been established. However, the ethical questions of the affair remain. American citizens are now at a turning point, and many are left to question the nature of the Biden-CCP links. Will this relationship lead to the normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries, or to further discord between them? That remains to be soon.