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Pope Francis Blasts: Climate Change Denialists & ‘Careless’ Western Worlds

Pope Francis recently took an uncompromising stance against climate change skeptics and irresponsible western lifestyles. Speaking at a conference in Rome, he launched an impassioned plea for nations to act on climate change and to put an end to unsustainable practices that are depleting resources and damaging the environment. The Pope was strong in his condemnation of those who deny climate change. He lambasted what he called an “ideological denial” of environmental problems and called for governments to take serious, systemic steps to address the problem. He also criticized irresponsible western lifestyles, blaming them for environmental damage and excessive consumption. He said that it should not take a disaster before concrete actions were taken. The Pope’s strong words were welcomed by environmentalists, who have long called for governments to take action against climate change. He echoed the sentiments of many, urging nations to switch to renewable energy sources and to better manage finite natural resources. The Pope did not stop there. He also called on business leaders to take an ethical approach to their activities and to make changes that would not just be beneficial to the environment, but would also benefit people, including the poor and vulnerable. It is clear from the Pope’s words that he is not only concerned about climate change, but also about the future of the earth. It is a timely reminder that global action must be taken to protect the environment and that our current lifestyles are putting an unsustainable strain on the planet.