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“Tragic Toll of Syria Drone Attack: 80 Killed, Hundreds Injured”.

At least 80 people have been killed and hundreds injured in a massive drone attack on a military college in Syria. The attack, which took place in the city of Idlib on Monday night, is one of the deadliest in the country’s civil war. The attack began shortly before 9 PM local time. Witnesses described several medium-sized drones, which hovered above the college before releasing a barrage of rockets and missiles. The attack resulted in an explosion that shook the entire city and shook the windows of buildings nearby. The death toll has already exceeded 80, and many of the injured are in critical condition. The exact number of casualties is still unknown due to the ongoing conflict in the region. The attack has been harshly condemned by the international community. The United Nations Security Council has issued a statement condemning the attack and calling for an immediate end to all violence in Syria. Additionally, several governments around the world have also spoken out against the violence. The Syrian government has blamed the attack on Turkey, who has been backing the rebel forces in the civil war. However, Turkey has denied any involvement in the incident and accuses the Syrian government of using the attacks to distract from their own oppression. The attack is another tragic example of the devastating effect of the Syrian civil war. Over the last few years, the conflict has taken the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and displaced millions more. The international community must continue to work together to find a peaceful solution to this ongoing humanitarian crisis.