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“Biden Touches Down in Israel as Outrage Grows Over Gaza Hospital Blast”.

Tensions in the Middle East have reached boiling point as residents in Gaza vented their anger yesterday following a devastating hospital blast. The incident caused widespread destruction and drew criticism from the international community, including the United States President Joe Biden who arrived in Israel earlier in the day for a state visit. The hospital bomb was dropped by Israeli forces on the Gaza strip in what some are describing as a deliberate act of aggression and retaliation. The incident has sparked a wave of outrage across the Middle East, with Palestinian and Arab organizations condemning the attack and calling for accountability. The Israeli government has so far declined to comment on the situation, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refusing to answer questions on the incident at a joint press conference with President Biden today. Meanwhile, hundreds of protesters have taken to the streets in Gaza, demanding an end to the conflict and expressing their outrage at the hospital bombing. The situation in the region is now at an all-time high, with many countries worried about the long-term consequences of the violence. The international community has issued a call for peace in the Middle East, with President Biden scheduled to speak with both Israeli and Palestinian leaders over the coming days in an attempt to bring about a resolution to the conflict. No matter what the outcome, the recent hospital bombing has understandably dismayed many people across the region and only reinforces the need for an immediate end to the fighting.