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Jordan Prepares for 2nd Vote with Uncertain Outcome

Jordan is gearing up for its second round of voting on its new Speaker of the Lower House on February 6, leaving uncertainty in the air about the path forward. The Middle Eastern country held its first round of voting in mid-December, but none of the eighteen contenders were able to secure an outright majority of votes. In the first round of voting, the speaker candidate with the highest number of votes was Atef Tarawneh, a former Prime Minister and current head of the House Services Committee. He received 65 of the 130 votes, however, falling short for an outright win. The other contenders, which include tribal leaders, officials of the royal court, and independents, received anywhere from 3 to 44 votes in the first round. A second round is required if no candidate receives an outright majority in the first round of voting. Last month, the Parliament was dissolved, meaning a new Parliament will have to be elected before the Speaker vote. The House of Representatives, once elected, will select the Speaker for the Lower House, making up the majority in the bicameral system of Legislative power. The current political climate in Jordan is extremely volatile following a failed motion of no-confidence against Prime Minister Omar al-Razzaz by Parliament in December. This event has ignited protests around the country demanding the dissolution of their government, with protesters claiming the government is not acting for the benefit of the people. As the vote approaches, uncertainty is reigning in relation to Jordan’s path forward. The climate is tense, and many believe the outcome of the Speaker vote will determine the future of the country. A peaceful outcome is essential, and eyes are on Jordan to see what happens when the vote occurs on February 6.