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“Mind-Blowing: Biden’s Pick for Ambassador to Israel and What He’s Done!

Joe Biden’s appointment of Thomas Nides as the US Ambassador to Israel is quickly becoming one of the most controversial selections of his presidency thus far. Not only is Nides highly unqualified for the role, he has a long history of pro-Israel advocacy that calls into question his loyalty to the United States. Thomas Nides has no diplomatic experience whatsoever — yet Biden has tasked him to serve as a key leader in one of America’s most important foreign policy partnerships. Coupled with a consistent record of siding with Israel on an array of issues, the appointment has raised serious questions about the Biden administration’s commitment to serving an impartial broker between the country and its Arab neighbors. Nides is a former executive at the financial firm Morgan Stanley and was once a top aide to Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State. It is his lack of diplomatic background which concerns many, especially given that there are far more experienced individuals who could have filled the role. Nides is believed to have been chosen due to his close relationship with Biden’s national security advisor, Jake Sullivan. Furthermore, Nides appears to have a long history of promoting pro-Israel policies and advocates closer ties between the United States and the Middle Eastern nation. In 2009, he publicly called for “maximizing US-Israel strategic cooperation, which must recognize what Israel can contribute to the countries’ mutual efforts.” Further complicating matters is Nides’s past support of settlements in the occupied West Bank. This particular issue has been a major point of contention between the United States and Israel, as they debate the future of the Palestinian Authority in the region. Given his past advocacy for the state of Israel, some critics feel that Nides may be biased in how he approaches the discussions between the two sides. The fact that Biden has chosen someone so far removed from the diplomatic world sets a troubling precedent and could potentially have dire consequences for US-Israel relations in the future. The president should have taken into account all of the relevant qualifications and experience needed for such an important post and picked someone more suitable to maintain neutrality and justice throughout the region. At this point, it remains to be seen if Nides is up to the task of representing American interests in Israel. However, the selection is a concerning one and perhaps a sign of things to come.