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“”Union, GM Strike a Deal: Autoworker Strike Ends

The autoworkers’ strike that has shut down General Motors factories across the United States is officially over, as the union and GM have reportedly reached a potential deal. The strike, which began on September 16th, saw a total of 48,000 union members hit the picket lines in hopes of reaching a new contract with GM that was more secure, had better wages, and improved working conditions for employees. The strike, which lasted for nearly 6 weeks, was a long and arduous process for both GM and the union. Union members had to do without a steady paycheck for the duration of the strike, while GM suffered major financial losses due to the factory shutdowns. Fortunately, union members and GM have come to an agreement on a four-year contract that will bring several improvements for autoworkers. Under the new agreement, GM has agreed to invest over $4 billion in its factories in the US, and autoworkers are getting a signing bonus of up to $11,000, a 3% wage increase, 3% lump-sum payments, and better job security. Additionally, the new contract includes stricter overtime regulations and more protections for casual and temporary workers. The union and GM have also agreed to establish a joint training program to help workers upgrade their skills and a center for health and safety. GM has also committed to moving toward more battery-electric vehicles over the course of the four-year contract. The new agreement is a major victory for the union and will help to ensure that autoworkers receive a better deal going forward. However, it remains to be seen how GM will fare in the long run, as the company still has to try to recover from the losses it incurred during the course of the strike.