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Uncovering the Terror of Gaza Metro: 300 Miles of Hamas Underground Tunnels.

The Israel-Gaza conflict has been at the forefront of international news for many years, and accordingly, Hamas and the Israel Defense Forces have developed many creative tactics in order to protect their respective territories. One of the newest challenges for the IDF in particular is the network of 300 miles of subterranean tunnels that stretch across the Gaza Strip, operated by Hamas. The network of tunnels, referred to colloquially as “Hamas Metro”, consists of a sophisticated network of shuttle buses, access ways, ventilation systems, electricity cables, communications systems, and more. This underground infrastructure serves multiple purposes for Hamas, including allowing for the movement of militants, storage of weaponry, passage beneath the Israeli border, and concealing underground bases. The challenge that the IDF faces in defeating Hamas Metro is significant due to the sheer size and complexity of the tunnels’ layout. Additionally, the Hamas tunnels are also dug deep beneath the surface and steel-reinforced concrete, making them very difficult to locate and destroy using traditional methods such as air strikes and artillery fire. In order to combat this tactical advantage held by Hamas, the IDF has adopted a variety of technology-driven strategies, including deploying robotic surveying and mapping algorithms, using acoustic sensors to detect tunnel construction, and installing 360-degree cameras and monitors to detect movement inside the tunnels. In addition to the military applications, Hamas has been able to use its tunnel network to aid civil transportation, allowing Palestinians to travel quickly and without restriction from one end of the Gaza Strip to the other. This is especially important during times of conflict, as the Hamas-controlled underground system serves as a safe means for Palestinians to travel for medical assistance and other basic necessities, while avoiding confrontation with Israeli forces. As the conflict in Gaza enters its third year, the challenge posed by “Hamas Metro” continues to pose a substantial threat to the safety of IDF forces, civilian populations, and the stability of the region. With the development of new technologies, the IDF is being forced to adopt innovative strategies in order to defend against this subterranean threat and restore order to the region.