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“Nancy Mace Exposes AI Deepfakes in Upcoming House Hearing

The Hearing on AI and Deepfakes Nancy Mace, a Republican from South Carolina, is set to host a House hearing which is powered by artificial intelligence and deepfakes. The hearing is due to be held this week with the aim of addressing the rising and alarming trend of the use of computer-generated images to alter reality. In a statement released to the press, Mace said, “We are at a crossroads where we can no longer deny the adverse effects technology can have on our democratic process. This hearing is an attempt to draw attention to the dangers posed by AI-generated deepfakes and to explore potential solutions.” Mace will be joined by several other members of Congress, as well as representatives from Facebook, Microsoft, and the technology nonprofit, Partnership on AI. In her statement, Mace said, “Our committee is ready to hear from the experts on these issues and look for ways to protect our elections from being manipulated in this manner.” The hearing is being held in Washington, D.C., and is expected to draw a lot of attention, as it comes at a time when the technology, which can alter images and videos, has been increasingly used to spread false information. For example, during the 2020 presidential election, political campaigns used deepfakes to influence the votes of many Americans. The hearing is also likely to touch upon the potential regulatory solutions to protect against the use of deepfakes from both political and corporate interests who could misuse the technology. Ultimately, the hearing is looking to discuss the right legal frameworks to ensure the integrity of the digital and virtual space, as well as practical solutions to protect our elections from deepfakes in the future. Mace concluded her statement by saying, “Our democracy is built upon trust and transparency and I look forward to being a part of this important discussion.”