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Unlock the Next Five: The Most Interesting Hidden Features of StockCharts Revealed!

Stock charts are an invaluable tool for investors that provides a wealth of information to better inform their decision making around the stock market. The data and analysis that stock charts can provide can help investors make better decisions about which stocks are worth investing in and when. But many of the features of stock charts are lesser known and surprisingly powerful. Here are the top ten hidden features of stock charts, features 6-10: Feature 6: Recurrent Events. One of the most powerful hidden features of stock charts is the ability to quickly identify recurring events that might impact a given stock. This feature of stock charts allows users to quickly see which days of the year a stock has been known to experience a recent jump or drop in price. Feature 7: Historical Charts. Investment is all about predicting the future by looking at the past. That is why stock charting tools offer investors a way to look back in time and examine up to 8 years of historical price movements on a given stock. This feature allows investors to look for patterns and events from the past that can give them an idea of what kinds of activities or events to expect in the future. Feature 8: Technical Scans. Technical scans allow investors to filter stocks based on a range of technical criteria. From basic filters, such as price and volume levels, to more complex scans such as RSI or MACD, this feature can be invaluable in finding stocks that may be worthy of further research. Feature 9: Integration with Social Media. Stock charting tools often offer integration with various social media platforms such as Twitter and StockTwits. This feature can be invaluable for investors interested in getting a better understanding of sentiment surrounding a particular stock. Feature 10: Mobile Device Access. Most stock charting tools now offer mobile device access. This allows users to quickly access and analyze stock data on the go, whenever and wherever they need to. These are just a few of the hidden features of stock charts. With the proper use of these powerful features, investors can make more informed decisions and maximize their returns.