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“Mama’s Call to Biden: Bring Mark Home from the Death Row in China!

The mother of Mark Swidan, an American who was wrongfully detained and placed on death row in China, is calling on the United States President Joe Biden to confront Chinese President Xi and demand his son’s freedom. Mark Swidan, 55, was arrested by Chinese police in 2017 on drug charges and was sentenced to death in 2019. However, the Chinese authorities have failed to provide any credible evidence to support the charges or his conviction. Swidan’s mother, Ying Wong, is now appealing to Biden to address the situation during the US President’s upcoming meeting with Xi, due to take place next month. She says the US needs to take a stronger stand against China’s human rights abuses and to insist on her son’s release. In a statement, Wong said: “My son, Mark, has been held in a Chinese prison for four years and faces execution for a crime he did not commit. President Biden must take a strong stance during his meeting with President Xi and demand the release of all wrongfully detained American citizens in China, including my son.” Wong is being supported in her fight to free her son by several human rights groups that have long called on the Chinese government to stop its injustices. Such groups hope that the Biden administration will hold China accountable for its human rights violations, starting at the Biden-Xi summit in June. Overall, the situation of Mark Swidan has become a matter of urgency as his execution may soon be imminent. A strong stand must be taken against China and American citizens must be free from wrongful detention. It is now up to President Biden to take action and stand up for American citizens who are facing grave injustices in China.