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“Oscar Pistorius Set To Regain Freedom in January: The Epic Return of the Paralympic Sprinter

Paralympic sprinter, Oscar Pistorius, will be released on parole in January, 2020 after serving less than half his original jail sentence. This comes after an appeal to reduce his sentence was heard in the Pretoria High Court. Originally, Pistorius had been convicted of culpable homicide for the fatal shooting of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, in 2013. After a lengthy legal process, Pistorius was sentenced to six years in prison in July 2016. In December 2017, his sentence was extended to 13 years and five months before being appealed. Pistorius’s legal team argued that his original sentence was unreasonable and disproportionate to his crime. They also argued that his mental health suffered significantly in prison and he was not receiving adequate treatment. The court agreed and found that Pistorius’s sentence should have taken into account circumstances of mitigation, as well as his personal and mental health issues. As a result, on December 3, 2019, the court reduced his sentence to 10 years and changed his conviction from culpable homicide to murder. Since his conviction, Pistorius has been a model prisoner and has shown remorse for his actions. Therefore, he was deemed suitable for the parole board to review his case for early release which was granted for the beginning of 2020. This decision has been met with a mix of opinions. While some are relieved that Pistorius will be able to reintegrate into society with support, others argue that the lesser sentence is not enough for the crime. In the end, the ability for Pistorius to reintegrate into society and receive necessary psychological support remain some of the main goals of this sentencing. With his release, Pistorius will be able to access programs and support networks that can help him in his long and difficult rehabilitation process.