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“Cruz & White House Spar Over Biden’s Israel Stance: ‘You’re Wrong!’

Just a few weeks into the Biden Administration, trade tensions between the White House and Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tx) have already flared up. This week tensions heated up even further after Cruz accused the Biden Administration of issuing a “lie” about their response to Israel’s recent air strike against Gaza. Cruz was responding to the White House comment on the air strike which said the administration is “‘closely monitoring the situation and continuing to consult with partners in the region.” Cruz wasn’t having any of the White House’s response, accusing them of offering nothing more than hollow words. He took to Twitter to call out the Biden White House for not offering any statements of support for Israel. In a series of tweets, Cruz said the Biden Administration’s response of ‘closely monitoring’ sounded like something out of an “SNL skit,” adding, “President Biden should have immediately & loudly condemned Hamas’ aggression, & defended Israel’s right to self-defense.” The White House hit right back, issuing a rebuttal disputing Cruz’s claims and accusing the Senator of not fact-checking his assertions before making them. While the White House acknowledged that they had been monitoring the situation in Israel, they added that they were in fact working to de-escalate the conflict through diplomatic channels. They went on to vehemently deny any suggestion that they had not taken an active stance in supporting the region. This exchange is yet another example of the increasing tensions between the Biden Administration and congressional Republicans. In just a few weeks, the White House has taken a hard stance on matters such as immigration reform and now trade with Israel, leading to a heated back-and-forth between the White House and a prominent Senator such as Ted Cruz. It’s unclear how this dynamic will play out but, one thing is certain; the tension between the White House and Congress is only intensifying, and at this rate it doesn’t look like either side is backing down anytime soon.