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The Real Deal: Merriam-Webster’s 2023 Word of the Year

The English language is ever-changing in order to keep up with the times. Every year, Merriam-Webster Dictionary chooses a single word to represent that year’s language trends. For 2023, the Word of the Year is “Real Deal”. Real Deal is defined by Merriam-Webster as someone or something that is truly authentic or genuine. This word is reflective of the modern human experience and the need to return to basics. In other words, people are searching for what’s real and true in a world that often seems full of fake news or false information. The idea behind the use of the Word of the Year is to assemble and bring attention to the language that reflects our values and needs. What we decide to say and how we say it can tell the world a lot about us. For example, Real Deal encourages an honest, upright approach to life and decisions. It can also be used to call out people or things that are not what they seem to be. The so-called “Real Deal” could be applied to several areas of life: relationships, business dealings, and the political landscape. For relationships, being genuine is necessary for understanding each other and growing as a couple. On the business side, finding the trust between those involved and making sure everyone is committed to the deal requires a sense of realness, not just fake words. Political systems also need to have an honest approach to them in order to keep the public informed and engaged. Real Deal can also be used to represent ourselves and our values. If we present our real selves to the people we interact with and the people we come into contact with, we learn more about who we are. The 2023 Word of the Year encourages us to stay grounded and keep striving for a sense of legitimacy. Being a Real Deal means embracing the truth and authenticity of our lives and relationships.