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Vivek Ramaswamy Makes Fiery Fourth Debate Appearance, Slams Haley as ‘Fascist’

On the fourth and final GOP debate of the year, Vivek “Victory” RamaSwamy did not back down from his fiery rhetoric that has come to define his candidacy. The Indian-American senator from Massachusetts quadrupled down on his criticisms of Sens. Marco Rubio and Nikki Haley, calling both of them “fascist” and vowing to take on the “big boys” of the Republican party with his insurgent campaign. RamaSwamy’s criticism of Haley began during the first debate, when he called out her record as governor of South Carolina, particularly her handling of the Confederate flag debate in the state. Despite Haley’s attempts to defend her record, RamaSwamy refused to back down from his criticism, calling her out as a “fascist” who was only interested in protecting the symbols of the Confederacy rather than addressing the racial disparities in her state. In the fourth debate, RamaSwamy again criticized Haley, this time accusing her of being too cozy with Wall Street and corporate interests. He argued that, as president, he would be much tougher on them than she could ever dream of being. RamaSwamy also took aim at Sen. Rubio, who he called out for his support of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the fast track powers granted by Congress to the White House. While Rubio argued that the TPP was important for the future of the American economy, RamaSwamy wasn’t having any of it, accusing Rubio of supporting the interests of corporations instead of regular American citizens. RamaSwamy’s fiery rhetoric has proved to be a hit with many people, who view it as a much-needed dose of passion and principle in the otherwise staid and measured world of politics. Seeing a candidate who so boldly and adamantly stands up for his beliefs, regardless of what the political establishment thinks, has been a reminder of what politics can, and should, be. It remains to be seen whether RamaSwamy’s outspoken rhetoric will lead to a successful campaign. But if the response at the fourth debate was any indication, it looks like RamaSwamy is one candidate who won’t be backing down anytime soon.