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Hunter Biden Rakes In Millions: Controversial Burisma Role Claimed by Fired VP’s Son

Hunter Biden, the son of current US President Joe Biden, has been the subject of controversy for a while now. His involvement in the Ukrainian gas company Burisma has been widely criticized and investigated. However, Biden has claimed in a recent statement that his role in Burisma did not provide him any personal gain. Biden was appointed to the board of Burisma in 2014 and served as a “consultant”. During his stint at the company, he is reported to have earned as much as $50,000 a month while his father Joe Biden was serving as Vice President of the United States. It is suspected by some that Joe Biden used his influence to get Hunter the role on the board. However, Biden has denied these allegations and stated that he did not stand to gain anything from his role on the board. He further stated that he was appointed to the board to offer advice on corporate governance and European business politics. He has also said that he resigned in 2019 when the controversy surrounding his appointment first emerged, stating that he did not wish to be a distraction from any presidential campaign. Many critics however, remain skeptical of these claims. They point towards the hefty salary Biden was receiving from the company as well as the many other board members who did not receive anywhere close to such an amount. They argue that Hunter Biden was receiving this money due to his father’s influence and not because of any expertise the former had on the subject of business. Furthermore, critics have also questioned Joe Biden’s lockdown of records related to the inquiry that took place during his time as Vice President. Biden has not released any records that can shed light on his dealings with Burisma and his decision to appoint Hunter to the board. Regardless, Hunter Biden’s claim that he did not stand to gain anything from his involvement on the board of Burisma holds true. However, further investigation into the matter is needed to determine if the Vice President did in fact influence the decision or was it made independently. It is up to Joe Biden to release any records that can clear this matter up and prove that there was no wrongdoing involved.